At Cherrybrook United Netball Club, all players are expected to wear the full club uniform. It includes:
Cherrybrook Netball Dress
White ankle length socks (they must cover the ankle)
Black boyleg shorts
Appropriate footwear
Players who are not dressed in the correct uniform will be unable to take the court until the
correct uniform is worn.
Club hoodies, Training Singlets and other items are available (but not mandatory).
Players must ensure before each game they have short nails and have removed all jewellery including earrings and body piercings.
Low cut socks or socks with logos are not permitted.
New Uniforms
New Uniforms can be ordered online from our supplier – Valour Sport. Visit Valour Sport – Cherrybrook United Netball Club Collection to place your order
Second Hand Uniforms
Second hand uniforms can be purchased from our Facebook group Cherrybrook Netball Uniforms - Buy, Swap and Sell .
Any queries on uniforms please email