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2025 Committee Nominations

Hello All in our Cherrybrook Netball Club Community,

On behalf of the committee we hope you had a wonderful season overall.  I know there have been some challenges, but all in all, I hope it was positive and our teams had fun, growing, getting fit, learning new skills and making new friends.

At this time of year, we are getting ready for our Annual General Meeting.  (AGM scheduled for 29th October, venue to be determined).

At the meeting all of our committee roles are declared vacant and require nominations and volunteers to take them up and take our club and teams into 2025!

If you would like to volunteer next year to help, please click here and complete the form.  There is a short description of roles below.

We would love to hear from you and would like to invite you to an end of year gathering to cheers to this year and prepare for the next.  It’s a great opportunity to come and meet us, and learn about the roles and how you can help in either a role or other capacity.  

It is fab if you have related skills, but all that is needed is a love to support our teams, community spirit and a positive outlook.  Also great if you can come to meetings, but we are flexible and can have the work done remotely through collaboration in our Gsuite set up.  

We would love our existing committee to return too.  You have already been nominated! :)

This still leaves us with lots of vacancies! Feel free to forward on.


The 2024 Cherrybrook Committee. 




Represents our club to HDNA, governance and oversight.

Council Delegate.  Support to team.  

Vice President

Support to President, Council Delegate, governance, club representation. Support to team.


All things finance and ATO compliance for our Community Sport NFP.


Email Management, organisation of agendas, minutes, meetings, support to team. 

Organise uniforms

Registrars x2

Coordinate the registration process through Play HQ, answer queries.

Umpires Convenor

Work with our club and HDNA to coordinate the umpiring requirement with HDNA 

Grading Coordinator

Organise our grading committee, grading days, and the executing of collating our players into appropriate teams. 

Net Set Go Coordinator

Recruiting, growing and organising the Net Set Go program, through advertising, school visits.  

Equipment Officer

Support the collection and delivery of Cherrybrook provided equipment to teams via coaches and managers at the beginning and end of the year.

Publicity & Events

Organise Spirit Day with the committee, our End of year presentations, sponsorships and marketing. 

Website Manager

Manage the website and changes as needed. 

Coaches Coordinator

Assign, recruit and support coaches through the season.  

Social Media Coordinator

Manage our facebook and instagram posts through the year to create a buzz for our teams and support the community.  (this would be great for one of our seniors players - have fun and grow our instagram and facebook.  



Cherrybrook Netball Club

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